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The Stone Girl – Coming August 28, 2012

With all the winter coats and Christmas trees, August – and The Stone Girl’s on sale date – certainly seems far away, but I couldn’t let that stop me from sharing the book’s cover. I hope it’ll whet your appetites for the book to come!

Sethie Weiss is hungry, a mean, angry kind of hunger that feels like a piece of glass in her belly. She’s managed to get down to 111 pounds and knows that with a little more hard work—a few more meals skipped, a few more snacks vomited away—she can force the number on the scale even lower. She will work on her body the same way she worked to get her perfect grades, to finish her college applications early, to get her first kiss from Shaw, the boy she loves, the boy who isn’t quite her boyfriend.

Sethie will not allow herself one slip, not one bad day, not one break in concentration. Her body is there for her to work on when everything and everyone else—her best friend, her schoolwork, and Shaw—are gone. From critically acclaimed writer Alyssa B. Sheinmel comes an unflinching and unparalleled portrayal of one girl’s withdrawal, until she is sinking like a stone into her own illness, her own loneliness—her own self.


  1. BELUGA! I LOVE this cover! And love "critically acclaimed" author part.


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